Decreased Stress & Resiliency

Written by Carla Hay-Purdue, DNP, APRN, FNP, ANP-BC, NC-BC. (view LinkedIn profile)


There are 3 principles (or fundamental truths) that guide our life — Mind, Thought, and Consciousness

  1. Every problem we have in life is the result of getting caught up in the content of our own thinking.
  2. MIND THOUGHT, AND CONSCIOUSNESS is how we interpret our reality.
  3. Mind is the formless energy and intelligence behind life, the source of all things, and the life force that animates our world. It is everywhere and ever-present, and it brings with it a feeling of being alive and a knowing that regardless of what is going on, all is well. It is the source of insight. When our minds clear and calm down from thinking, it is the peaceful, loving, wise feeling that remains. It is the place that houses the answers that pop into our heads when we quit thinking about a problem.
  4. Peace of mind is our true nature.
  5. Consciousness – A capacity for experience that allows me to be aware of my reality through my 5 senses.
  6. Thought – The play dough out of which reality is created and recreated moment by moment and day by day. We have a constant stream of thought that runs through our heads. Some of the thoughts are happy, and some are not. We suffer from our innocent misuse of the play dough of thought. When we use it to create insecurity, worry, and fear, we live inside a cage with bars of our own making. Like a child who gleefully creates and destroys buildings, monsters, and flowers every time they take their play dough out of its container, we are free to become aware of our thinking. Being aware allows us to change our minds and think differently about absolutely anything at absolutely any moment.
  7. Without the Principles of Mind, Thought, and Consciousness, we have no perceptions, no feelings, and no experience of reality.

Principles of Thinking and How it Works!

  1. Flat earth thinking — Thinking that is obsolete. We think something works in a way that it doesn’t. Until explorers started sailing the sea, people thought the earth was flat.
  2. Separate reality — Others do not think the same as we do. Be aware of this and embrace diversity instead of criticizing it.
  3. Inside out — Feelings are 100% of the time caused by our thoughts in the moment. The dog pooping on the floor didn’t cause my frustration. It was my thinking that I am tired, I have a presentation to do, and now I need to clean up the mess. Instead, I could think, “Thank goodness I have tile floors. It will be easy to clean up. He hasn’t been feeling well lately. I guess I left him in the house too long.”
  4. The future is an incomplete equation — We can’t think about the future and be in the moment. We don’t have all the facts to know what is going to happen in the future. Thinking about the future can increase anxiety. Stay in the moment.
  5. We can handle the truth of the moment. Do not feel insecure.
  6. Who has the power? You do. Circumstances happen, but that does not dictate how we feel. You have the power to live your dreams. No one has the power to make us feel anything. Feelings come from our thoughts in the moment.
  7. There is no other place to be – All we have is now. The past is gone. Thoughts about the past can make us sad, regretful, or angry. We don’t know what will happen in the future. Thoughts of the future can increase anxiety and worry. Be here. Slow down and be in the moment.
  8. The big subtraction – Secure thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, and gratitude occur when the outside in thinking falls away. It is our inner way of being.
  9. Sometimes we see it, and sometimes we don’t — The outside in deception is alluring. “The jerk made me mad.” When we move to inside-out thinking, we stop judging and start listening.

We all have thoughts in our heads.

We have little thoughts, big thoughts, thoughts that help us, and thoughts that hinder us. Thought comes and goes, and what we focus on grows. We make up the meaning of our own thoughts. They come from within us.

Our thoughts come lightning fast. Sometimes we know where they are coming from, and sometimes we don’t. The good news is they are always coming from the same place, our thoughts and our feelings taking form in the moment. Sometimes they are fleeting, and sometimes, they come from a deeper state like unconditional love.

We make up the meaning of our own thoughts, and they are powerful. Sometimes they are similar to everyone else’s, and sometimes they are different. Both are normal. We all have separate realities.

Our thinking can make us feel good. The best ideas and decisions come from our thinking when we feel calm and cool.

Our thoughts reflect many different feelings and behaviors…

…just like a prism reflects many different colors. Through our thinking, we see situations from different angles. We don’t have to react based on impulse. We can step back and take another look. We are in charge of believing our thoughts or not believing our thoughts. Our thoughts can always change to help us feel cool, clear, and calm.

Our thoughts can stay with us for a long time, or they can pass right by and disappear!


They can cause us to be afraid or angry. If we realize that we make up the meaning of our thoughts, then we know there are other possibilities.

Thoughts can change. We don’t have the same thoughts day after day. Some days our thoughts are of being at the lake with friends and having fun. Some days they are not so happy. Our moods help us tell if our thinking is wise or not.

We may not like what is happening around us. We can stop and decide if we want to believe our thinking and act out of negative feelings. But our best decisions come from thoughts that feel good.

Thoughts come from the inside! We decide which thoughts to empower.

Knowing about thoughts can really help us feel happier. We create our experience of life from moment to moment through our very own thinking.


Niel, M. (2013). Inside out Revolution. Hay House Inc. Carlsbad, CA.

Pransky, J. (2017). Seduced by Consciousness. A life with the Three Principles. CCB Publishing. British Columbia, Canada.

Pransky, J., Kahofer, Amy. (2012). What is a Thought? A Thought is a Lot. Think Social Publishing. San Jose CA.

Quiring, L. (2016.) Beyond Belief: The lost teaching of Sidney Banks. CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada.

Walding, T., McCright, L. (2018). The Resiliency Paradigm. The teaching of Keith Blevens. Advancing Holistic Health. Nurse Coaching.

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