6 CEs – The Miracle of Separate Realities 3PP

Continuing Education Credit Offering

$60 for 6 CEs

For students of ThreePrinciplesPsychology.com’s program The Miracle of Separate Realities (https://threeprinciplespsychology.com/the-miracle-of-separate-realities/), add 6 CEs from Advancing Nurse Coaching / Advancing Holistic Health.

The Miracle of Separate Realities

More from ThreePrinciplesPsychology.com:

All realities are unique to the individual

You have your own reality, and everyone else has their own reality. There are lots of realities happening all at the same time!

All realities are independent of each other

Your reality is the only one you see, and others can only see their reality. This opens exploration and discovery of other realities.

The space to learn what is in other people’s realities

As you share your realities, you realize that every person has a world to explore, we relate meaningfully and heart-fully.


Claim your CE(s):

  1. Go to our Express Evaluations Page.
  2. Login or create a new account. (Save your login information for future use in our system)
  3. Log out and then back in.
  4. Select the presentation number that corresponds to the one above and complete the evaluation.
  5. E-mail and/or print your certificate - check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your spam folder. (CEs will be kept in the system for 7 years).

Advancing Holistic Health is a continuing nursing education provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number CEP16464

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