Originally published in Beginnings Magazine by Lyn McCright, RN, MPH, APRN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC

Holistic nurses worldwide are engaging in a revolutionary act that will change nursing and health care forever. That revolution comes from within and from the realization that our thinking creates our reality. That insight (sight from within) is what we look for in Nurse Coaching today. We see it in our clients, and we will find it in ourselves as nurses. As we evolve individually, each new insight increases our understanding of the way life works and of our place in the grander scheme of things. What we bring to ourselves, and our evolution as a profession, is what we will bring to our clients, our communities, and the world.
When encountering times of confusion and uncertainty, people often turn to health professionals. Nursing is privileged to be the largest health profession worldwide. The most recent Gallup Poll tells us that, for 15 years in a row, nurses have been considered the most ethical and honest professionals (Norman, 2016); in short, they are the most trusted by the public. Let us claim our professional role in modeling and teaching resilience – the core health of humanity.
Human resilience is the most critical aspect of our survival as a species. The logic of the new Resilience Paradigm, connecting the field of psychology, was first articulated by Keith Blevens, PhD at the 5th Annual Texas Regional Holistic Nursing Conference in October 2015. Keith shared how understanding the principles of resilience allows us to make a dramatic impact on our clients as we help them reveal their inherent capacity for well-being. With our sharpened awareness, we can see the innate resiliency of our clients, colleagues, and, most important, we see it within ourselves.
In the words of Advancing Holistic Health Nurse Coach Aashild Kristen Tilrem, “What people want is peace and happiness. We know we do not have that yet. That is why we keep looking.”
By understanding that each of us will find our own peace and happiness, we bring this realization to our clients and communities. As our global community finds peace, we manifest peace on earth and the potential for every human being to know happiness.
We have the largest task ever before humanity. Is it any wonder then that it will fall to the largest health profession? If we are to reshape health and wellness in the 21st century, let us bring all of nursing into holism, starting today.
Norman, J. (2016, December 19). Americans rate healthcare providers high on honesty, ethics. Gallup Poll, Social Issues. Retrieved from http://www.gallup.com/poll/200057/americans-rate-healthcare- providers-high-honesty-ethics.aspx