
Self-Care & the Resilience Paradigm

Originally published in Beginnings Magazine by Lyn McCright, RN, MPH, APRN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC Nurses are perceived as vulnerable to emotional stress in the workplace. It’s not uncommon to find ourselves attempting to connect our emotions and feelings to circumstances and/or the behavior of others around us. But, isn’t it true, if we honestly consider our … Read more

Then and Now: My Journey to Nurse Coaching Entrepreneurship

Originally published in Beginnings Magazine by Lyn McCright, RN, MPH, APRN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC There it was in black and white on the page. I sat back, awestruck at the beautiful goal − the result of my first experience in automatic writing. But manifesting it would be another matter. Our area did not have a local … Read more