resilience principles

How the Power of Thought Impacts Your Nursing Career

Lyn McCright recently had the pleasure of appearing on Elizabeth Scala’s podcast to discuss the impact of thought on the nursing profession. In this insightful and thought-provoking conversation, we explored the power of positive thinking, the importance of self-reflection, and the role of burnout prevention in nursing practice. Lyn also shares her own experiences and … Read more

The Revolution in Nursing Begins

Originally published in Beginnings Magazine by Lyn McCright, RN, MPH, APRN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC Holistic nurses worldwide are engaging in a revolutionary act that will change nursing and health care forever. That revolution comes from within and from the realization that our thinking creates our reality. That insight (sight from within) is what we look for … Read more

Then and Now: My Journey to Nurse Coaching Entrepreneurship

Originally published in Beginnings Magazine by Lyn McCright, RN, MPH, APRN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC There it was in black and white on the page. I sat back, awestruck at the beautiful goal − the result of my first experience in automatic writing. But manifesting it would be another matter. Our area did not have a local … Read more