Where did NurseCoaching.com go, and what did we do in ‘22?
First, how do you like our new name? NurseCoaching.com
Advancing Holistic Health, our legal entity, is doing business as
Advancing Nurse Coaching | Executive Nurse Coaching |NurseCoaching.com
Now in our 6th year, we are So grateful to be here now, working in the profession that chose us.
Nursing is the world’s largest profession, with 14 million nurses world-wide, 3.8 million in our country alone. Florence Nightingale (1870) said, “It will be 150 years before people will see the kind of Nursing that I envision.” That year, 2020, everything changed for nurses.
In January 2022 Texas Wesleyan University in Ft. Worth brought Associate Director, Teresa Walding, and me onboard as adjunct faculty for the master’s and doctoral nurse practitioner programs. They send their students to our online continuing education (CE) program.
Our adventures away from home began in late April when we attended the Paleo fX health conference in Austin, Texas. Met wonderful friends and made great contacts there.
March found Teresa and Lyn attending the NURSOLOGY.net virtual nursing theory conference where we presented, for the first time, the ever-present, pre-existing Single Paradigm, the long-awaited unitary science, encompassing all nursing theories.
Early June found us driving across Texas to Albuquerque, NM where we presented 5 times and exhibited at the American Holistic Nurses Association annual conference. Our clinical area, Nurse Coach—Board Certified, began with the AHNA and AHNCC 9 years ago, focusing on health promotion.
In late June we exhibited at the Texas Nurses Association Annual Conference in Georgetown, Texas. So good to be back together!
Late July was another road trip, as Lyn was invited to speak and exhibit at the National Black Nurses Association Institutes and Conference in Chicago, IL.
September found us presenting to the Texas Nurse Practitioners in Round Rock Texas. Our poster presentation at the conference depicted the results of our research study showing increased resilience scores of our students with each of our consecutive courses.
You can only imagine my astonishment at being referred to as “an internationally known thought leader on the future of nursing globally”.
What’s Next for 2023?? The first and last lines of our first book we are writing go something like this:
CLARITY FROM CHAOS for Healthcare and Nurses
Nurses worldwide are engaging in a revolutionary act that will change nursing and health care forever. That revolution comes from within and from the realization that our thinking creates our reality. That insight (sight from within) is what we look for in Nurse Coaching today. We see it in our clients, and we find it in ourselves as nurses. As we evolve individually, each new insight increases our understanding of the way life works and of our place in the grander scheme of things. What we bring to ourselves, and our evolution as a profession, is what we will bring to our clients, our communities, and the world.
Human resilience is the most critical aspect of our survival as a species. The largest task ever before humanity will fall to the largest health profession. If we are to reshape health and wellness in the 21st century, let us bring all of nursing into holistic healthcare, starting today.
We invite you, and ALL licensed health professionals to find us at https://nursecoaching.com/
Hess, D., Bark, L., & Southard, M.E. (2010) White paper: Holistic nurse coaching. Summit on standards and credentialing of professional coaches in healthcare and wellness. Paper presented to National Credentialing Team for Professional Coaches in Healthcare, Boston, MS.
Hess, Darlene. (2011). Defining holistic nurse coaching. Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses Association). 31. 16, 18-9.