Lyn McCright & Teresa Walding at the Caring Entrepreneurs Event

In this event, nurse entrepreneurs Lynn McWright and Teresa Walding, join Sharon Burch to share their experiences and tips on how to grow a successful business.

Lyn and Teresa have created a thriving online education coaching program for nurses and other health professionals.

Lynn is an internationally known thought leader in nurse coaching, holistic nursing, and advanced practice nursing. She founded and owns Advancing Nurse Coaching, a business that prepares nurses for nurse coach board certification and consults with healthcare organizations.

Teresa has been a registered nurse since 1993 and has worked in various clinical areas, including ICU, rehab, psychiatric, pediatric, home health, and post-anesthesia recovery. She is the associate director of the Advancing Nurse Coaching program. She has taught the resilience principles paradigm nationally and internationally as a speaker and teacher at conferences, meetings, webinars, podcasts, and retreats.

Lynn and Teresa are passionate about coaching, mentoring, and teaching the Resilience Principles Paradigm. They also serve as chapter co-leaders of the Austin Area Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). Let’s dive deeper into Lynn and Teresa’s experiences and insights on growing a thriving nurse coaching business in the video below!

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